Lonicera   Caprifoliaceae    Honeysuckle
top left: . all others are in different stages.  top right:  newly planted (5 gal size) .


Description: Lonicera or Honeysuckle consist of about 175 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and climbers. The are valued for their showy flowers.

Flower: Trumpetlike blossoms
Misc. info:.
L. x xylosteoides 'Claveys Dwarf'   Fast growing shrub that can easily be kept dwarf by pruning.  Generally about 4-5' high but can reach 8'.  Greenish-yellow flowers
L.  tatarica 'Arnolds Red' (Tartartian Honeysuckle) A very hardy, vigorously growing shrub up to 9 ft high.  This form has dark red flowers and large red berries.
L.  x xylosteum 'Emerald Mound'   (European fly honeysuckle) A very small honeysuckle.that makes a good groundcover or low hedge.  It has blue-green foliage that is attractive all summer long.   It has creamy flowers and bright red fruit.
L. japonica 'Halliana'  (Hall's honeysuckle)   A very vigorous climber particularly valuable for covering fences and lattice.  It has white flowers changing to yellow producing from early summer onward with bright green leaves.
L. Magnifica Coral Stk
L. Pink Lemonade Stk
L. Purple
L. tatarica 'Zabelii' A popular variety that has dark red flowers similar in color to the "Arnold Red'
L. x heckrotti 'Goldflame'  (Everyblooming honeysuckle)  A lagrge, shrubby deciduous plant with som climbing branches.  It has brighter flowers than the species and are abundant at the ends of the shoots   from mid to late summer.  the flowers are yellow and purple and are very fragrant.
Site: Honeysuckle thrive in a wide range of well-drained soils in full sun.  Moist, well mulched sites are best. Best flowering is in full sun.